Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times


Retaingang for us is a mix of nofap, semen retention, no porn and everything in that genre. The focus is on doing good things for yourself and that leads to you doing good things for others. Far too many men ARE weak and we sincerely believe that if a MAN is only restrained and finds peace, there is hope. With our products, we want to remind you daily that this lifestyle exists and that you can find strength in the fact that there is actually a community that wants men to get better every day.


  • It is your own journey.
  • You will NEVER realize your FULL potential if you don’t retain, a few weeks at least.
  • You are developing spiritually.
  • You realize the importance of YOUR energy and by not wasting it on ”haram” you use your energy for GOOD things.
  • You understand that YOU have CHOICES and being STRONG is one of them.
  • You see with clear eyes how society is completely distorted in terms of masculine/feminine.
  • You become more stable mentally.
  • You go from “nice guy” to “godly man” and realize that a “bad boy” is an ideal built on fear.
  • You learn about your desires and how to control them.
  • You break the norm from the modern feminine.
  • You increase your creativity.
  • You get exceptionally much more energy.
  • You become a MAN.
  • You create tremendous meaning with YOUR LIFE.
  • You are part of an immortal community.
  • You challenge yourself.
  • You inspire other men to take after you.
  • You start doing more good things for yourself and others.
  • You stop chasing women plus they start noticing you because fundamentally they want to reproduce and sense your restraint.
  • Other areas of your life will naturally improve by themselves as you become one with the universe.
  • If you stop being like the flock of sheep, you will stop getting the results of the flock and instead get the godlike results that’s IS intended for YOU.

The society want you to be WEAK.

  • Society doesn’t want you to be strong. They want you to be weak, bow to your desires and seriously believe that it’s okay to be WEAK.
  • They want you to consume pornography, instead of enjoying the REAL women in the REAL community.
  • They want you to consume to much junk food.
  • They want you to be feminized.
  • They want you to use dating-apps instead of approaching women in REAL life.
  • They want you to think it’s okay to be fat when it’s actually dangerous.
  • They want you to believe that not moving or exercising is normal.


The reason why I have created this page is because I have experienced/experiencing an incredible number of benefits from not spreading my ”life juice”. Some of them are listed above. The clothes that are available for purchase are there to give you a reminder that it is a lifestyle that can be lived and that it exists. If you wish to buy something, I am grateful as it gives me the opportunity to do more good for others plus other people can see the phrase and it eventually cultivates positive thought patterns in them. Together we can end weak men and create STRONG, HEALTHY men. I strive to do good for myself and for others. You are who you say you are, you were born perfect, have been, are and will always be perfect.

The beauty of our reality is that we have the ability to choose. Choosing to maintain your “life juice”, “life force” is one of the most important choices you can make as a man. Not to chase women, not to give away one’s “Life force” for free unless it is to produce children. It is a lifestyle that you create yourself, 100% restraint is not required but it is something to strive for of course. We advocate a lifestyle where you as a man can control your desires and thus rise above the mediocre society. Together we create a men’s circle that advocates real masculinity, courage, will, creativity, strength, the good.

– Sincerely, Retaingang.